Wooden Spoon over the Ottoman - The Week Long Spanking Game

At 6:40 this morning I was waiting in the family room dressed and ready for work just like I had been told.  At precisely 6:45 she entered the room carrying a wooden spoon from the kitchen.  I was instructed to only call her ma'am for the remainder of the day.  After which Ma'am had me move the ottoman to the center of the room, remove my suit coat, lay it on the couch.

  Then I was told by Ma'am to lower my pants and boxers.  Ma'am positioned me on the ottoman, adjusted me a few times and after a minute or two of anticipation stepped up an landed the first crisp swat with the spoon on my left cheek.  It was a series of fast crisp spanks that with in a minute had my entire backside stinging and red.  Unlike last night this one was all business and done in a matter of 2-3 minutes.

Ma'am told me to put things back in to place and left for her day.  I did as I was told, snuck a look at my backside in the power room mirror and sat my still stinging backside on the car for the drive to work.  I got the first of her her calendar invitations for my other scheduled spanking this week by the time I got to work myself.  My next spanking will be tonight at 8:30 in the master bathroom.  Needless to say I will be distracted by the thoughts of what's to come through out the day.  
