Wooden Spoon Spanking Survivor



It seems that the “wooden spoon survivor” meme is making its way far beyond the spanking community

 as images similar to the one included here are showing up in vanilla timelines.  It’s not surprising since

 I can’t think of anyone I know who was spanked growing up who didn’t get it from their mom with 

spoons keeping in line with that. I too am a wood spoon survivor.  There wasn’t much that was in mom’s

 reach that didn’t get used to spank my bottom growing up but the wooden spoon across my bare butt 

in the kitchen was a familiar and frequent experience.

When I was smaller it was usually over her knee for my whoop’in with the wooden spoon. Standing 

there, pants and underwear yanked down unceremoniously as I’d be lifted across her lap. pinned into 

place and the spanking would instantly begin.   Taking too long getting home after getting off the bus, 

coming in on a cold day with your coat unzipped it was all but instant.   She’d be standing there waiting 

with that wooden spoon in hand when you walked through the door.   Coats would get hung up and then 

my ”redden my rear end” as her favorite saying went.  

A minor squabble in the backyard, living room, or just about anywhere when she was in the kitchen 

we’d hear “ Will,  and whoever get in here right now.   Odds are one or more of us would be getting 

spanked with that wooden spoon.  The only saving grace is it might not be to tears if there were friends 

with us.  Then again that was not exactly a guarantee.    The others would stand there and watch and 

probably wait their turn to get it with the wooden spoon.   

In fact thinking about this it was the wooden spoon that was used on my bottom probably more than 

anything other than a hand.  I had several of them cracked into pieces over my butt and all that meant 

was she’d get another one and i’d get extra for “breaking her spoon”    as you’ll learn here spanking was 

part of everyday life, mom was a spanker and usually felt the best way to make her point was by making

 our butts hurt and our bottoms red.   I couldn’t tell you how many times the wooden spoon was used on

 me but I’m absolutely sure I too can claim to be a wooden spoon spanking survivor if not a charter

 member of that club.
